Sell Gold and Silver Online to Edelmetalle direkt

© ronstik / Fotolia
As an alternative to the cash purchase in Freiburg, you can offer us precious metals in the form of coins and bars for purchase also through our shop.
Online purchase - how it works
- for this purpose, choose the article to be sold by clicking on the button 'offer' on the article site
- fill in the form which opens up stating the type, quantity, and quality of the goods to be sold: „sales enquiry“ by e-mail
- check and correct again your data entered
- submit a mandatory sales offer to us by clicking on the button 'send sales enquiry'
- type errors can be corrected again before sending the sales enquiry by clicking on the button 'back' to navigate backwards or by closing the order window in the browser to cancel the order process.

© VRD / Fotolia

© VRD / Fotolia
Purchase prices coins and bars
- the current purchase prices at the time of the sales enquiry apply; the prices can change during the sales process through the regular, automatic price adjustment at 5 minute intervals; the respective valid prices are indicated in the e-mail form and apply until the next automatic price adjustment
- after the receipt of the sales offer, we confirm you the receipt of the sales offer immediately by e-mail: 'acknowledgement of receipt'
- we are entitled to process this sales offer within five days and to inform you by a seperate e-mail about the acceptance or rejection of the sales offer
- if the sales offer is accepted by us, you receive a seperate e-mail with all the ordering data, 'confirmation of order' and the general terms and conditions 'GTC'; now the sales contract is achieved mandatorily after the conditions of those GTC
Collection of your goods by Edelmetalle direkt

© Alexander Limbach / Fotolia
- we will have the goods collected at your premises; the transport costs correspond to our shipping costs and are put down to your account; within 2 workdays after receipt of the goods, we will transfer the sum to your account
- please consider that our indicated sales prices only apply for unobjectionable coin quality; gold and silver bars have to originate from producers who are accredited by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and who produce after the 'Good Delivery Standard'
- if the goods sent in are not usable for us, e.g. if they are not tradeable anymore due to a lack in quality or if the authentication fails, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract; in this case, a return of the goods at your expense takes place or we submit you a new offer
- please call us before sending a sales offer to 'contact', if you have further questions or if you are not sure about the quality or the producer of your goods to be sold