Green Gold - Recycling Gold

More and more people start to care where their gold comes from and how it is produced. The gold mining worldwide often pollutes the natural resources such as water, soil and air (e.g. by mercury input) and endangers quite often the people involved in the mining process (e.g. low security standards and the resulting danger of accidents or by handling poisonous substances such as mercury).
For quite some time, there have been reasonable approaches to reduce these problems that are linked to the mining of gold. Every improvement of the mining conditions in the field of gold mining for humans and environment is closely linked with costs. Therefore, the final products are also more expensive for the customer than products of the same weight that come from the conventional gold mining.
Everyone must decide for him-/herself whether and how much the improvement of the living and working conditions, of the people who are working in the field of gold mining, is worth for themselves. Therefore, we offer different product lines - in this case in form of gold bars. These product lines contribute to different degrees to the reduction of polluting the environment and people in the field of gold mining.
Purchase green gold, FairTrade gold and recicled gold at Edelmetalle direkt in Freiburg!
FairTrade gold: As of yet, the strictest and farthest reaching criteria for a socially and environmentally friendly gold mining are offered by the FairTrade organisation and the strictly surveilled processes at the gold mining. We offer FairTrade gold bars that are produced by Argog Heraeus in Switzerland and that fulfill the strict purity criteria of the LBMA certificate. Furthermore, they have gone through the certification process of the Trans Fair registered association. They originate from a mine in Peru that is run by a cooperative. The members receive a price that is approximately 5% above the world market for their mined gold, according to the supplier. The money from the higher retail price is channeled in i.a. self organized educational facilities, better medical care than it is common and it enables in its entirety better standards of environment, security and human rights. Edelmetalle direkt offers FairTrade bars in the sizes of 1g, 2g, 5g and 10g. For Example: 10g "Fairtrade gold" bar.

Valcambi "Green Gold": Similar to the FairTrade gold, an increased purchase price is guarantied to the gold producers. This increaced price also enables the establishement of above average environmental, security and human rights standards in gold mining. With Newmont Mining and the Swiss gold melter Valcambi (by owned Newmont Mining with 75%)are two heavy weights supporting the, from the conventionally mined gold, strictly separated product line of "Green Gold". It is naturally LBMA certified and strictly controlled from mining over transport upt to melting for the compliance to the laws, in order to protect the environment, people and nature. Edelmetalle direkt offers Valcambi "Green Gold" bars in the sizes 1g, 2,5g, 5g, 10g, 20g, 1oz, 50g and 100g. For Example: 50g gold bar Valcambi "Green Gold".

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