Strategies for Wealth Preservation with Gold and Silver

We wish for a long-term customer loyalty. Therefore, Edelmetalle direkt offers much more than the mere purchase and sale of gold and silver.
The use of our wide range of offers enables you to develop your personal strategy for wealth preservation with gold and silver together with us, to implement it systematically, and, if required, to adapt it to the current situation.
'1 + 1 = 3' => this is how we see the systematic cross linking and interlocking of the individual strategy issues for your personal strategy for wealth preservation with gold and silver. The whole is simply more than the sum of its parts. Convince yourself! We look forward to seeing you.
'A means to an end': Precious metals as an insurance

© fotomek / Fotolia
Since 'greed eats mind', and this is the reason why a medium to long term horizon should always be scheduled for an investment in gold and silver. Collapses of prices are possible at every time. And nobody can predict how the price will look like at a certain reporting date.
Gold and silver are basically value storages for accomplished life's work. They always gain in importance when the citizens loose their trust in the paper currency.

© Altay Kaya / Fotolia
Precious metals protect their owners against loss of assets and fall in value due to inflation, currency reform, and expropriation.
Conclusion: The longer the scheduled investment period for an investment in precious metals, the higher the probability that you will achieve your aim => protection of your savings.
See also:
Strategy issue: information
'Confidence is good, own knowledge is better'. In order to be able to evaluate by yourself if and to what extent precious metals should be part of your investment saving, you require information. Before, during, and after the purchase.
At Edelmetalle direkt, you receive target-oriented and continously updated information in various ways:
> Freiburg regular´s table of crisis and chances > Info blog / commented weblinks > Lectures and seminars
Strategy issue: personal consultation
It is a well known fact that the devil is in the detail. And there is no "best" investment and no "best" strategy. It simply has to fit and has to be tailored to your needs.
One customer e.g. already knows exactly what and how much he would like to buy, but still has some questions regarding the storage and authentication.

© abcmedia / Fotolia
Another customer asks himself further questions:
- Better buy gold or silver?
- Why anonymous over-the-counter transaction?
- Which possible risks do exist for my present or scheduled assets in times of the financial crisis: real estates, life insurance, deposit accounts, stock portfolios, building loan contracts?
We therefore offer different forms of personal consultation.
Strategy issue: anonymous purchase, confidence, discretion
As soon as you know, if and how many precious metal you would like to purchase, the question of the discretion and confidence arises.
We are an active member of the Professional Association of the German Specialist Coin Shops (Berufsverband des deutschen Münzfachhandels).
We offer various methods of authentication, in order that you can convince yourself of the authenticity of the goods sold by us.
In line with the motto 'what the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over', the greatest factor of protection against theft of your acquired precious metals is your (and our) discretion.
The purchase from a bank or on the internet may well partially be a little bit cheaper. But through the transfer and by mentioning your data, your puchase can be tracked even years later. Whether by any hackers who steal data through the internet and abuse it, whether by the authorities looking for possibilities to refinance the permanently stumbling, 'non-negotiable' euro.
Therefore, we offer and recommend the over-the-counter transaction: cash in return for goods. Best as anonymous over-the-counter transaction with free collection by the customer in Freiburg.
Also see:
> Background knowledge: anonymous purchase > Maximum of discretion > General gold ban? > Your securities > Data protection
Strategy issue: anonymous custody service outside of the bank
At the latest after the purchase, there arises the question: where to put the recoverable coins and bars?
At least a certain amount should be stored at instant access in the private environment. We will be pleased to advise you on the possibilities that exist for that purpose.
Basically, every sort of storing presents a certain risk. Even the owners of a very massive safe are not protected against physical violence or extortion of potential robbers.tzer eines sehr massiven Tresors sind nicht vor physischer Gewalt oder Erpressung potentieller Räuber sicher.

© K.-U. Häßler / Fotolia
With the bank, the goods are either not at all insured or only insured up to a certain amount. All owners of a lock box are reported to the state and in case of doubt, for the well-known reasons, one day, it will possibly be stated: the next visit of your lock box only in the presence of a tax officer. This one then inventories the content and then at the latest, your legally anonymously acquired precious metal is simply not anonymous anymore.
And even in case of a bank failure, it can possibly take several months until the insolvency administrator arranges an appointment with you to vacate the lock box.
Those who do not wish this can use the anonymous custody service of Edelmetalle direkt and store at least a part of their 'treasures' completely insured outside of the banking system here.
Also see:
Strategy issue: future
After the storage, you can first of all sit back. We will inform you about the current situation through our information channels as well as through the Freiburg regular's table of crisis and chances.
At some time, however, you will also want to make the acquired gold and silver 'liquid' again. Naturally, you can reconvert the goods acquired from us at any time at the current daily price: cash purchase.
And if a strong inflation, a currency reform, or even the collapse of our whole financial system actually occurs one day, factors such as confidence and discretion will become even more important than they already are right now.

© Kurhan / Fotolia
The masses of people will then be completely impoveriched, the standard of life strongly decreases, and the envy of all those who still own something recoverable will strongly increase.
It will then be a good thing to know the right people, if one wants to buy or exchange something for his precious metals. Since then more than ever, one will like as few people as possible to identify him as an owner of precious metals.
This is where the network idea and the future role of Edelmetalle direkt as an intermediary between supply and demand comes in.
Potential owners of precious metals would like to remain discrete and unrecognized in the background as long as possible when realizing an exchange transaction, but probably they do not have any idea of who wants to exchange what in return for how many precious metals.
Potential demanders of precious metals, who would like to exchange something recoverable for precious metals, are worried about the authenticity of the items offered to them.
The whole thing sounds crazy somehow, but considering all the crazy decisions of our politicians and central bankers, it is downright necessary to think of the unthinkable - simply in the sense of an insurance. Most of the people actually do not want an insurance, but still cover it for safety reasons in the hope that one will never need it. However, if the 'insured event' still occurs, one is glad that he owns it.
It is precisely for this purpose what our 'strategies for wealth preservation' with gold and silver are for.