Silver Bars

To buy silver bars in Freiburg > go directly to the list of silver bars

Beside the standard coins from the 1 ounce area, Edelmetalle direkt also offers you classical silver bars for purchase.
From the point of view of the German tax legislation, silver is a raw material and is subject to statutory taxation. This means, that currently 19% have to be paid additionally to the net price.
However, for coins or coin bars of the same weight class, the differential taxation can be applied according to §25a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG), if they have been imported from a non-EU-country. Thereby, the importer pays an import sales tax of currently 7%, which is included in the final price. Furthermore, the trader's margin, which naturally constitutes only a small part of the purchase price, is included in the final price and is subject to the full value added tax rate of currently 19%.
For the private investor, offered coins or coin bars that are subject to differential taxation are more favourable than bars of the same weight class that are subject to statutory taxation.
However, for commercial customers who are entitled for input tax deduction, the net price of bars or coins which are subject to statutory taxation is more favourable than products beeing subject to differential taxation of the same weight class, for which the input tax deduction is principally not possible.
Exception: if a trader purchases a silver bar or a silver coin from a private person and then resells it, he is also allowed to apply the differential taxation according to §25a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG). Thereby it is irrelevant, if the goods originate from an EU-county or not.


Price list: (1 product)
Status: 29.03.2025, 20:23