Platinum Bars

Platinum bar
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Beside the standard platinum coins, Edelmetalle direkt in Freiburg also offers you a range of classical bars of platinum.


Platinum bars only from certified producers

We exclusively offer you bars for purchase whose producers are or were registrated at the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA): Heraeus, Umicore, Argor, Degussa, Valcambi. Those producers have to comply with a number of quality attributes regarding the production to be certified by the LBMA. Only then, their bars can be traded there.

This so-called Good Delivery Standard, that, in the proper meaning of the word, only applies to gold bars with 400 ounces, is 'inherited' to all bar sizes of those producers and ensures their worldwide awareness and tradeability.

For coins there is no Good Delivery Standard, here the minting sovereignty and responsibility lies with the (mostly public) minting places and minters.


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Status: 29.03.2025, 00:58
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