> go directly to the Price list of accessories
Buy the suitable accessories for your coins and bars from Edelmetalle direkt in Freiburg.
It does not matter whether it is about the packaging for keeping or for giving, the measuring and weighing, the cleaning and contemplation, at our house you will also immediately find the suitable accessories for your small and big treasures.
If any desired articles should not be listed, simply speak to us. Often, we still have further articles on stock or can order them as short notice on the market for you.
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> Coin boxes + coin bags > Tubes + tubules > Masterboxes > Suspending frames + cases > Micro scales, calliper rules > Other accessories > Price list accessories
Price list: (59 products)
Status: 05.02.2025, 21:03
Price update in 3 minOutdated prices: reload now
Price update in 3 minOutdated prices: reload now
only articles
in stock
in stock
Coin Boxes + coin bags
Tubes + Tubules
Suspending Frames + Cases